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【平裝版藍光】羅賓漢 音樂劇 (2014) << 返 回
Robin des bois : la comedie musicale

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 法語
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  級      別: 1
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌:PCM_bluray,48000Hz,stereo,s16,1536 kb/s 法


Robin des Bois. Ne renoncez jamais (2014)

In this amended version of Robin Hood, Robin and Marianne (in English Maid Marian) spend just one night together and it results in a child born. The young man, now 16, falls in love with the daughter of Sh?rif de Nottingham (in English Sheriff of Nottingham, the avowed enemy of Robin). The sheriff having lost Marianne to the "prince of thieves", decides to avenge by imprisoning Robin's son. So Robin launches a rescue operation with the help of his followers and notably Petit Jean (in English Little John) and Fr?re Tuck (in English Friar Tuck) played by Nyco Lilliu


1. D?but du spectacle
2. La fl?che ou la cible
3. Ne renoncez jamais
4. Nottinghill Nottingham
5. J'ai dit oui
6. On est l? pour ?a
7. Terre
8. Un monde ? changer
9. La providence
10. J'attendais
11. Tes blessures
12. Laissez - nous vivre
13. Devenir quelqu'un
14. 15 ans ? peine
15. A nous
16. Lui sait qui je suis
17. Un ami comme toi
18. Gloria
19. Le jour qui se r?ve
20. Final

Picture: NTSC, 16:9
Sound format: PCM Stereo, DTS-HD MA 5.1

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